Sales Executive | Diposting 9 bulan yang lalu.
Hallo Semua
PT.GREEN VALLEY INDONESIA saat ini sedang membuka lowongan pekerjaan untuk posisi " Sales Executive"
Deskripsi Pekerjaan
- Mencari customer baru, dan membangun hubungan
yang baik dengan customer.
- Memperkenalkan produk perusahaan dan melakukan
penjualan ke customer.
- Melakukan sales call, sales trip, sales promotion dan
telemarketing kepada calon customer.
- Membuat laporan atas pekerjaan yang sudah dilakukan.
- Pria/Wanita.
- Usia maximal 30 tahun.
- Pendidikan minimal SMA.
- Berpengalaman dalam lingkungan marketing
minimal 1 tahun.
- Memiliki skill komunikasi yang baik dan persuasif.
- Jujur, tekun, mau belajar dan bertanggung jawab.
- Dapat bekerja secara individu maupun tim.
- Berpenampilan rapi dan percaya diri.
- Penempatan/lokasi kerja di wilayah Semarang.
Located in the Ungaran plateau in the area of Bandungan, Central Java. Green Valley, is a resort-style accommodation that is beautiful, serene and away from the city noise. This accommodation still retains cool, fresh air that is free from pollution, as well as enchanting scenery. You will feel comfortable in this accommodation while on your holiday and while doing your activities. Lush and green trees that surround the accommodation will add to your holiday comfort. Green Valley has a Cottage concept which applies to all its’ rooms. The composition of wood in each room has traditional architectural styles from all over Indonesia, which exudes warmth in the midst of the cool environment of the location. The combination of culture and nature is the perfect choice for a holiday destination. This is the concept of a natural accommodation, with a view of nature that is stunning and cozy atmosphere. In addition to the holiday accommodation, Green Valley can also be used as a training center and outbound with an atmosphere that radiates naturalness.